Grow Your Mission Pro is a coaching program that helps nonprofits maximize the Google Ad Grant using StoryBrand Funnels.

This coaching program will give you the tools, knowledge, and support to maximize your impact and grow your mission.

50% of nonprofits FAIL even though they have access to $120,000/year
of FREE MONEY from Google.

When it comes to leveraging the Google Ad Grant, there are two types of nonprofits:

👍 Those who maximize the $10,000/month Google Ad Grant
👎 Those who don’t

But of the nonprofits who have engaged the Google Ad Grant, some are wasting time and money because they don’t know how to use it strategically.

We can help you with that.

The Google Ad Grant is a GAMECHANGER!

Your nonprofit has access to $120,000/year of Google Ads. What will you do with it?

Grow Your Mission Pro will help you:

  • Quickly get up and running with the Google Ad Grant
  • Maximize your spending and conversions
  • Provide support, resources and coaching

Engage In Your Own Way


Access to a group of nonprofits, just like you, on this journey together.

Office Hours

Ask us anything! We’ll tackle your toughest questions.

Resource Library

Video walkthroughs, checklists, and cheatsheets to help.

Tech Tools

A tech stack to help you with the digital side of campaigns.

Reporting Dashboard

A custom dashboard to measure your campaigns and conversions.


Proven templates to help launch campaigns quickly.

Topics We’ll Cover

  • How to get the Google Ad Grant
  • How to set up a successful campaign
  • How to apply StoryBrand to your campaigns
  • How to design an ad that converts
  • What’s working (and not working)
  • How to measure the success for a campaign
  • How to setup conversion tracking
  • Where to find keywords for your ads
  • Where to use AI in your marketing
  • How to use remarketing in your campaigns
  • How to stay in compliance with Google
  • What to do if your Google Ad Grant gets suspended
  • How to diagnose a low-converting campaign
  • How to connect ‘all the tech’
  • What’s working and what’s not working with nonprofit marketing

Your Guides

StoryBrand Certified Guide
Mike Ruman

Mike spent 10 years working in nonprofits and now spends his days helping nonprofits grow. As a StoryBrand Certified Guide he’ll bring a strategic mind to help coach your nonprofit.

Google Ads Certified Partner
Tom Hines

Tom manages over $100k/month in Google Ad Grant spend. He knows how to spend it strategically to help grow your nonprofit.

Is Grow Your Mission Pro right for you?

This program is for you if …

  • You are ready to grow your nonprofit but not really sure how to get started
  • You have the Google Ad Grant but aren’t seeing results and need some coaching
  • You are willing to learn and willing to apply what you learn
  • You will show up for the calls and ask for help

This program is NOT for you if …

  • You want someone to do ‘all the things’ for you. (sidenote, we can help you with that, just let us know here)
  • You are afraid to learn new things
  • You are afraid of tech and don’t want to touch it
  • You like to ‘just figure it out on your own’

Let’s Get Started!

Apply for Grow Your Mission Pro


Got Questions?

If you still have questions let’s jump on a call and talk through those. We want to make sure Grow Your Mission Pro is the right fit for you, and if it’s not we can help point you in the right direction.